Kevin Moran, Body Be Pain Free

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On’s only natural.

Most, if not all of us have areas in our body that hold tension and don’t let it go. Might be the back of our thighs, calves, feet, neck, the list goes on. Stretching doesn’t do the trick. Massage might work for hours or days, but again the tension returns to you like a faithful dog!

  Our bodies are brilliant and protect them selves even if our brains don’t realize what is happening.  it’s possible our bodies have small but significant injuries deep in our tissues often underneath the muscles.  Our brain might not be aware if they’re not causing us pain at the moment or perhaps they did some time ago but stopped so we forgot them.  An Interesting thing our body does is create tension around an injury to reduce our movement and protect the area from further injury.  Think of it as a cast around a broke bone only this is within us rather than without.  

Guarding these injuries is a priority.  Lulling them to sleep with stretching, therapy, or meds is usually a temporary fix. Eventually, they wake and say well that was nice but there is still an injury here and guarding it is my job!

If we want to truly be free of the tension, we must find and mend the injury.  Only then will our bodies allow us to break down the cast and ask the guards to take a vacation cause they are not needed anymore.